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QuaVis Technologies GmbH is located in the small town of Sauerlach next to Munich. You can reach us by car or by public transport.

How to find us

Driving on highway A8 in the direction of Salzburg you have to take the exit 96 "Hofoldinger Forst". You turn right onto the country road St2070 and drive straight until you see the town sign "Sauerlach". When you reach the first roundabout you turn onto the street "Robert-Bosch-Straße". At the end of that street you turn right again and follow the street for 300 meters. Our headquarters are placed on the street "Tegernseer Landstrasse 14".

Going by car

Going by plane or by train

You can easily reach us using the public transport of Munich. You take the interurban train S3 towards "Holzkirchen" and get out at the station "Sauerlach". Our headquarters are only a couple of minutes away from the station. You walk down the street "Herbststraße". After turning onto the street "Hofoldinger Straße" you go onto the "Rudolf-Diesel-Ring". You follow the street for 200 meters and take a right at the corner of the "Mühlweg". Then you have to walk down the street until you reach "Tegernseer Landstrasse 14".

Legal Notice

Amtsgericht München

HRB 169352


Sebastian Reinelt

Sebastian Reinelt

Despite of careful control, we do not take liability for contents of external links. The operating agencies are exclusively responsible for the content of linked sites.

Technical changes are subjects to change without notice. All data about speed, specifications, tolerance and scale of benefits are unverified data which can only be confirmed by concrete models and by a detailed scope statement.

Register court:

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Value added tax number: (according to §27a Umsatzsteuergesetz)

Chief executive:

Responsible of contents: (according to §6 MDStV)  

Liability note:  

Please note:

QuaVis Technologies GmbH

Tegernseer Landstrasse 14

D-82054 Sauerlach/München


Telephone: +49 (0)1520/9804118

Email: info@quavis.de

Website: www.quavis.de